Websites and Tools for Progressive Organizations
Work for political campaigns, social causes, and cultural institutions.
I’ve been working on projects with Justin Kemerling since I went freelance in 2012 (well, a bit before that if you count the work we did at MindMixer while I was still at SecretPenguin). He’s one of my favorite designers and constantly impresses me with his output – both the quality and sheer volume.
Here’s a sample of the work we’ve done together over the years:
I Love Public Schools
A documentary series about public schools in Nebraska and beyond.
Go Vote
A website to help get out the vote. Artists and designers submit graphics that others can download to encourage their family and friends to vote.

Truth Circle Game
An interactive project to share and explore personal truths. Over 5,000 submissions were made during the life of the project. You can read more on Justin’s website.

Have a progressive cause or campaign you need help with? Get in touch!
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