Project — Noihsaf Bazaar

A Platform for a Beloved Resell Community

Noihsaf Bazaar is a community of buyers and sellers that love independent designers, makers, and small shops.

Noihsaf Bazaar was founded in 2011 by Kate Lindello. For eight years it ran as a lo-fi marketplace. Kate and her team cobbled together 3rd-party tools to facilitate the selling of tens of thousands of items between thousands of buyers and sellers.

For the last few years, I’ve been helping Noihsaf to design and build their own marketplace. It’s built on top of Craft CMS and Craft Commerce – which gives us the control to build nearly anything we need.

We’re working with a branding system that the amazing folks at AfterAll put together — and it’s a joy to work with.

The homepage introduces folks to the types of things they can find on Noihsaf without too many road blocks.
Various mobile screens. Brand index, product grid, and product.
The product feed with plenty of filtering options as well as robust size profiles.

Feature Spotlight: Profile Banner Creator

We wanted sellers to be able to customize their profile in a way that didn’t lead to weird logos and bad design. So, we built a profile banner creator that alows folks to toggle colors and shapes of a 4x2 grid. It’s super fun to see the different patterns folks create within these limitations.

A profile banner creator we made for sellers.

Feature Spotlight: Pronunciator

Noihsaf is a made-up word — it’s fashion spelled backwards. We wanted to hear how folks think it should be pronounced, so we set up a phone number and had community members call and leave a message with how they pronounce Noihsaf. On the footer of the site, you can click a button and hear a random pronunciation.

A sample of some of my favorite messages. Especially love the one from Juliet, calling from The Bronx.

Have an e-commerce or related project you need help with? I’d love to chat!

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